Elon Musk Criticizes ‘The View’ but May Support with Harrison Butker’s Involvement

Elon Musk has recently expressed strong displeasure with the content of the daytime talk show “The View.” Taking to social media, Musk stated he would prefer walking barefoot on scorching asphalt over watching the program. His criticism has sparked widespread discussions about television’s influence on societal values.

Musk’s irritation was triggered by a panel discussion on “The View” about privacy and technology, which he felt was sensationalistic and divisive. He argued that the show serves more to divide viewers than to educate them.

However, Musk’s stance softened slightly following a suggestion involving Harrison Butker, the NFL kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs. Butker invited Musk to consider appearing on the show with him. Musk responded positively, indicating he would support the program if Butker were involved.


This potential collaboration could bring a fresh perspective to “The View,” aligning more closely with Musk’s vision of informative and balanced dialogue. The public is now eager to see if this unexpected partnership will happen and how it might impact the show’s content and reception.