Lord Lloyd-Webber, bestowed with the Garter by King Charles for his moving coronation anthem, fails to resonate universally with his tribute. Despite being tasked by Charles to create a piece of music to rival iconic works from the 1953 crowning, Andrew’s “Make A Joyful Noise” hasn’t gained traction. None of Monday’s Coronation Day celebrations will feature his anthem, raising questions about its future in royal history.

George Galloway, embarrassed by Richard Madeley’s probing questions about his past, resorts to petty retaliation by bringing up Madeley’s past shoplifting incident. Simon Cowell recalls Richard Branson’s promise to fly Britain’s Got Talent contestants into space in 2012, a promise that never materialized, leaving them grounded.

Jeremy Bowen remains irked by the BBC’s censorship of his report from Gaza, where the term “brutal” was removed against his wishes. Brian Cox, initially skeptical of knighthoods, accepted a CBE out of respect for his late sister’s royalist views, though he later questioned the decision. Ed Balls recounts an awkward moment with Donny Osmond on Good Morning Britain when he attempted to sing along with the singer, only to be gently reminded to let the professional handle it.