Colin Kaepernick Removed from NFL’s “Active” Roster Status

Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback known for his social justice activism, has been officially removed from the league’s “active” roster status, marking a significant development in his ongoing journey with the NFL.


Despite not being signed by any team in recent years, Kaepernick had remained listed as “active” with the NFL until now. However, a recent decision by the league has changed that.

League spokesman Joe Barron explained the reasoning behind the decision, stating, “We just can’t see keeping him on the active roster when there’s no chance he’s ever gonna play again. The player’s union only allows a certain number of active spots for inactive players. Colin is losing his.”


In response to the decision, Kaepernick has expressed his intention to appeal and has vowed to continue his protest by taking a knee if his appeal is unsuccessful. Kaepernick’s decision to kneel during the national anthem in protest against racial injustice and police brutality sparked widespread controversy and debate, becoming a symbol of activism both within and beyond the realm of sports.

The removal of Kaepernick from the NFL’s “active” roster status serves as a reminder of the complexities surrounding his relationship with the league and the ongoing implications of his activism. As Kaepernick continues to fight for social justice and equality, his status within the NFL remains a topic of scrutiny and debate.