King Charles Assumes Over 200 New Patronages in Major Royal Charity Review

In a significant development following a comprehensive review of charities supported by the Royal Family, King Charles has taken on more than 200 new patronages previously held by the late Queen.

Among the notable changes, Queen Camilla has inherited several roles, including the presidency of the Sandringham Women’s Institute. However, the most significant change for King Charles is his assumption of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, a patronage formerly held by Meghan before she and Harry stepped down as senior royals four years ago.

The Duchess of Sussex’s involvement with the ACU was underscored by a private meeting with representatives at Buckingham Palace in March 2020, where she cryptically remarked to her biographer Omid Scobie, “It didn’t have to be this way.”

The decision for King Charles to take on the role of ACU patron is viewed as diplomatically astute, given his position as Head of the Commonwealth. Additionally, assigning the role to Prince William or Kate might have been deemed inflammatory. Such affiliations are considered invaluable for organizations in terms of visibility, fundraising, and attracting royal visits.

In addition to the ACU, King Charles will also assume the roles of patron for the Royal British Legion, the Royal Commonwealth Society, and Samaritans. Queen Camilla will take on patronage of the Royal Academy of Dance, reflecting her personal interest in ballet.

The comprehensive review, which took 18 months to complete, included an examination of numerous organizations and coincided with preparations for the Coronation. Aides have stated their commitment to monitoring the King’s workload closely, particularly during his cancer treatment.