Taylor Swift’s Hint About Boyfriend Travis Kelce’s Athletic Background in “C,S,SM” Lyrics

Taylor Swift, known for her cleverly crafted lyrics, has once again sparked intrigue among fans with her song “C,S,SM.” In one particular verse, she sings, “And you saw my bones out with somebody new. Who seemed like he would’ve b*lli*d you in high school.” While the lyrics may seem cryptic at first glance, many fans have speculated that Swift is subtly referencing her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, and his background as a professional athlete.

Travis Kelce is a prominent figure in the world of sports, renowned for his exceptional skills as a tight end in the NFL. With his imposing physical stature and athletic prowess, Kelce certainly fits the description of someone who would have excelled in sports during his high school years.


Swift’s choice of words, particularly the phrase “who seemed like he would’ve b*lli*d you in high school,” suggests a comparison between Kelce and a typical high school athlete who may have been perceived as intimidating or dominant on the sports field. By incorporating this reference into her song, Swift subtly acknowledges Kelce’s athletic background while adding depth to the narrative of the song.

Fans have been quick to dissect the lyrics and speculate about the inspiration behind Swift’s words. While neither Swift nor Kelce have publicly confirmed the speculation, the subtle nod to Kelce’s athletic prowess adds an intriguing layer to the song’s meaning and highlights Swift’s penchant for weaving personal experiences into her music.


As “C,S,SM” continues to captivate listeners, fans eagerly await further insights into the inspiration behind Swift’s lyrics and the hidden messages embedded within her music.