Kathy Griffin’s Comedy Tour Canceled Due to Low Ticket Sales

If there’s one thing many people can agree on, it’s that Kathy Griffin’s humor hasn’t resonated with audiences for quite some time. This was made glaringly apparent when her latest tour, aimed at revitalizing her career similar to Roseanne’s comeback, was canceled due to “ridiculously low ticket sales.”

“Her jokes don’t go over well with the general public,” said Tour Manager Joe Barron. “Unless you agree with her politics, she’s basically just insulting you.”

Barron mentioned that Griffin might consider transitioning to a job with MSNBC or possibly even ABC’s “The View.” “She’d probably fit right in with them,” he said. “They’re into the whole woke thing.”

Looking ahead, Barron is optimistic about his next project, “Don’t Go Woke,” starring Rob Schneider. He believes this tour could be what the comedy world needs to move past what he describes as “all the wokie woke wokeness.”

“Rob is a good egg,” Barron said. “He’s likely to do a male version of Roseanne’s latest routine, since he doesn’t have a lot of original material, and he’ll end it with several versions of ‘you can do it’ and a shoutout to Adam Sandler.”

It appears that more comedians like Schneider are stepping in to fill the void left by performers like Alec Baldwin and Amy Schumer. Now, Kathy Griffin can be added to that list.

It’s a great day for those seeking a return to traditional comedy, patriots, and, of course, for the comedy scene. God Bless America.