Zara Tindall has always been close to her cousin Prince William, with whom she spent much of her childhood. Despite their lifelong bond, William still manages to surprise her. Born just 13 months apart, Zara and William have remained good friends into adulthood, forming a close-knit group with their partners, Princess Catherine and Mike Tindall.

Amidst Princess Catherine’s cancer diagnosis, Zara and Mike Tindall, known as the family’s stabilizing force, are expected to offer strong support. The two families, who live just an hour and a half apart, share a deep bond, with Zara being Prince George’s godmother. Their six children often enjoy playdates together, reinforcing the family ties.

Mike Tindall’s playful nature brings a sense of normalcy to the Wales children’s lives. At official engagements, he’s known for making the kids laugh, helping them feel at ease. Last Christmas, little Louis beamed as he held hands with his cousin Mia Tindall, while Mike affectionately ruffled George’s hair. Princess Charlotte and Mia were seen giggling together, just as they did during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee concert, showcasing the enduring bond between the families.