Ron Harper Reveals Why Players Are “Intimidated” And Rarely Talk “Trash” To Michael Jordan

Ron Harper Was an Elite Scorer Before Joining Michael Jordan and the  Chicago Bulls

Ron Harper reveals why players were intimidated and seldom engaged in trash-talking with Michael Jordan . During his time playing with the Chicago Bulls and experiencing their second three-peat, former NBA player Ron Harper observed a common sentiment among players when it came to Michael Jordan – intimidation. Harper believes that there was a genuine fear surrounding Jordan, causing players to be often intimidated when facing him on the court. For Harper, it was always puzzling why players would trash-talk Jordan. In his eyes, such behavior would only serve as fuel for Jordan to perform even better.

Chuyện cũ mà không cũ: Bị siêu sao bóng rổ Michael Jordan kiện vì vi phạm  bản quyền hình ảnh, tự tiện in ấn phẩm phi thương mại

Consequently, Harper made a conscious effort to avoid saying anything that could potentially upset Jordan before he became a teammate.

Despite this cautious approach, certain individuals like Reggie Miller, Nick Anderson, and Gary Payton frequently engaged in trash-talking with Jordan. However, instead of affecting him negatively, this only motivated Jordan to dominate on the court. Overall, Harper describes the experience of playing with Jordan as a combination of excitement and intimidation. However, he emphasizes that it was also incredibly enjoyable when they were on the same team.