Cleansing your hair may appear straightforward at first glance. Many individuals typically apply a generous amount of shampoo, followed by a dollop of conditioner, and occasionally, a treatment mask. However, hairstylists caution against certain practices. They highlight five common mistakes people often make when conditioning their hair.

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1. Applying conditioner to the roots

One of the most common errors we often commit is using conditioner on our hair roots. While shampoo maintains scalp health, conditioner is designed to nourish the lengths of your hair. Celebrity hairstylist Michelle Cleveland explains, “When you shampoo, you’re cleansing your scalp’s skin, eliminating oils and residues of hair products.” She further elaborates to Well+Good, “Applying conditioner to your scalp would simply reintroduce those oils to your skin,” which contradicts the intended purpose. “This can lead to limp and less voluminous hair.” Hence, it’s advisable to refrain from applying conditioner directly to your scalp.

2. Applying it the wrong way
Where you put your conditioner matters as much as how you put it. Trey Gillen, artistic director at Sachajuan haircare brand, emphasizes, “Many simply grab a handful and apply it haphazardly. However, it’s crucial to distribute it evenly, focusing on areas prone to tangles, damage, and stress.” Gillen suggests a precise approach: start by applying small amounts to the tips of your hair. Then, use a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to spread the conditioner throughout, untangling any knots. Allow the conditioner to soak for a few minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.

3. Not letting it absorb properly
Washing hair can be a matter of no time to one person, while someone else may spend upwards of 20 minutes on the entire process. If you belong in that first category, you may be making the mistake of not letting your conditioner be absorbed by your hair. As mentioned on the previous page, best practice is to let the product sit for at least a few minutes before rinsing. Additionally, you’ll notice a massive difference if you occasionally use a hair mask.

4. Using too much or too little
One person may squeeze out half the contents of the bottle of conditioner, where another maybe uses a pea-sized amount. “If your hair feels heavy after washing and drying it, you’ve used too much. If it still feels dry and rough, you’ve not used enough”, Cleveland explains. “The best way of finding the amount that works for you, is to start with two coin sized amounts. Carefully comb this through your hair with your fingers. If your comb or your fingers easily passes through your hair, you’ve used the right amount of product. If you’re still running into issues, you simply add another blob. Additionally, you won’t have to use conditioner every time you wash your hair! People with thin and sleek hair may skip out on conditioner every now and then.

5. Using the wrong product
When looking for conditioners, you’ve got a plethora of options available. A conditioner for dry hair, another conditioner for curls, and yet another conditioner for coloured tresses. But which one to choose? “Silicones and dimethicones are commonly used in cheaper conditioners, as they give the appearance of soft and healthy hair by making it seem shiny. But these ingredients are very artificial and not healthy for your hair at all”, warns Cleveland. Instead, look for products containing natural oils, such as jojoba, coconut or organ. And bear in mind: if you find your hair getting thin(ner), too many of these oils may weigh the hair down and create a dull and greasy look, so make sure you don’t use them in excess.