food products

Thực phẩm là gì? Phân loại và tổng hợp các nhóm thực phẩm giàu dinh dưỡng
Consume these food items frequently for the promotion of long, vibrant hair. Are you longing for lengthier locks, yet finding it challenging to achieve hair growth? Or perhaps you already boast ample length, yet dread salon visits due to persistent split ends? Focusing on your diet can greatly benefit your hair health. Incorporating these eight food items into your meals will foster the growth of healthy, lustrous hair. Your hair will express gratitude for indulging in these nourishing foods more regularly.

1. Spinach
Spinach is full of iron, folic acid, vitamin A and beta-carotene. This makes it not only very healthy for your body; it’s also very good for your hair! By adding a little more spinach to your diet, your hair will grow stronger because it combats brittleness. Your hair will break off less easily and it will look a lot healthier too.


2. Sweet potato
We don’t mind this one at all because we love sweet potato fries! Sweet potato is full of beta-carotene as well, which keeps the skin on your head healthy. Vitamin A is said to speed up the growth of your hair.


3. Nuts
Nuts contain a ton of healthy fats that are very good for your hair. Almonds are especially good for you since they contain a lot of vitamin E.


4. Avocado
Avocados, too, are full of good fats and vitamin E, which stimulates hair growth.

5. Eggs
You need proteins and biotin for healthy hair, and eggs contain plenty of those! If you have a protein deficiency, it will show in your hair because it can cause your hair to fall out more quickly.

6. Salmon
Salmon contains a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, which cause your hair to become shiny. So, eat some fatty fish every week to give yourself luscious locks!


7. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is good for your blood circulation as it stimulates it. This means there’s more oxygen travelling through your blood vessels. This also reaches your head and that, in turn, stimulates the growth of your hair.


8. Greek yoghurt
Greek yoghurt (not regular yoghurt) is full of vitamin B5. This vitamin combats hair loss and the thinning of hair. It’s also often used in hair care products, under the name of pantothenic acid. But it’s much better to care for your hair from the inside out!