These tricks will help your skin become healthier and younger looking
Who doesn’t desire smooth, youthful skin? Despite the inevitable effects of gravity, which we can’t fully defy, there are numerous strategies to decelerate the aging process. Dermatologists possess invaluable insights into this endeavor. Hence, we unveil the daily practices of dermatologists aimed at preserving skin’s beauty, consisting of eight key strategies.

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1. Sleep on a satin pillowcase
By sleeping on a satin pillowcase, you can prevent a lot of misery. After only one night, those annoying sleep wrinkles in your face will be history. In addition, the skin products that you apply to your face before bedtime are not absorbed by your pillowcase.

2. Eat the rainbow
Dermatologists always recommend eating fruit and vegetables. By eating enough fruits and vegetables, you provide your body with enough antioxidants. This is crucial in getting a healthy-looking skin. An apple, anyone?

3. Use your earbuds
Did you know that your phone contains more bacteria than a toilet seat? Neither did we! According to dermatologists, it is anything but wise to hold your phone to your ear. Using earplugs when using your phone will do your skin no harm.

4. Skip the added sugars
Dermatologists have known it for years: sugar is not good for your skin. The molecules in added sugar can stiffen your collagen, causing wrinkles to develop faster. We realize it is extremely difficult not to consume sugar at all, but by skipping just one scoop in your coffee or tea, you are already doing a lot of good.

5. Protect yourself against the sun
During vacations in sunny resorts, we put a good amount of sunscreen on our bodies. But when the first rays of sunshine in the spring appear, we forget about it completely. However, dermatologists tell us that, regardless of the time of year, the sun is always the sun. And even when it doesn’t feel that intense, it is important to put sunscreen on your face. UV radiation causes wrinkles!

6. Get enough vitamins
Dermatologists pay close attention to the amount of vitamins that they ingest. To keep your skin young and healthy, dermatologists recommend getting enough fish oil. In addition, different B vitamins can improve your skin as well.

7. Skip the hot shower
Do you take a hot shower every morning? Very comforting, but not that wise. The hot shower causes many oils to leave the skin. In addition, skin inflammation can occur faster and it can cause dry spots.

8. Use the right products
It is important to pamper your skin every morning and evening with a cleansing routine. By choosing a cleansing gel, day cream, night cream or serum that contains as few additives as possible, you are doing well. Skip products with a lot of perfume which will only harm your skin.