So that’s what that black dot is for!
There’s no denying it, we’ve all got smartphones and it’s hard to imagine our lives without them. WhatsApp, Facebook, contacts, email, photos, videos, Internet and even a personal assistant: it’s all in there. Having a smartphone is like being on a never-ending adventure on which you’ll continuously discover new features and bump into things you just cannot explain.

Chấm đen trên mặt sau iPhone dùng để làm gì?

Dot on the back of your phone – what is that for?

Black dot
Like that little black dot next to the camera on your mobile phone. What is it and why is it there? Well, it’s positioned there for a pretty good reason; it serves as a microphone. If you’re an iPhone user you’ll probably be wondering: but why does my iPhone have three of them? The bottom and top dots are for phone calls, and the third one is for cancelling out background noise! It helps to cancel out ambient noise, most commonly when making calls, but also while using FaceTime, Skype and while recording HD videos. As a result, phone calls are less noisy. Who knew!