If weight loss is your goal, this particular dietary strategy won’t be of any assistance! The most effective methods for shedding a few pounds involve either reducing food intake (or opting for healthier choices) or increasing physical activity. However, over the past few years (or decades), numerous weight loss tactics have emerged, some enduring while others fade away over time. From abstaining from carbohydrates to consuming green tea or fasting for 16 hours daily, the array of strategies is extensive. Nonetheless, not all these dietary techniques yield significant results. Indeed, some are mere misconceptions! The same holds true for the aforementioned method – widely embraced but ultimately ineffective for shedding excess weight.

7 cách hàng đầu để giảm cân mà không phải kiêng ăn

This dieting trick is a complete myth and won’t help you lose any weight.

Drinking water
An oft-cited way to lose excess weight is to drink a lot of water. The Netherlands Nutrition Centre explains this trick doesn’t help with weight loss at all, though. “Drinking a lot of water while otherwise sticking to your regular diet doesn’t help at all,” their website states. “Water is a good option to replace soda and fruit drinks with. It saves calories and will help with losing weight in that manner. Drinking a glass of water instead of eating a snack that’s rich in calories can help as well.” So, water is a good substitute for sugary drinks, but it’s definitely not the answer to losing weight.

Grapefruit juice and lemon juice
Grapefruit juice and lemon juice have the same image as water. They’re supposed to help with the burning of fat, but this also turns out to be untrue. “There’s no evidence whatsoever that grapefruit or lemon influences the burning of fat.” This means that losing weight by drinking juices is another myth.