Hairpin hacks are quite useful to have around. If there’s a person with lengthy locks in your household, chances are there’s a stash of bobby pins tucked away. This proves beneficial as bobby pins serve more purposes than merely securing hair in position. Have you ever pondered utilizing bobby pins in these five inventive ways?
Lifehack: Discover 5 unexpected uses for bobby pins in your home.

1-5 cây kẹp tóc, kẹp tăm nhiều màu dài 6cm
Bobby pin

These hairpin tricks can come in handy
If you have someone with long hair in your house, there is probably a box of bobby pins lying around somewhere. This is handy, because you can do much more with a bobby pin than just keep your locks in place. Have you ever thought of using bobby pins in these five ways?For closing packages
Are your kitchen cupboards plagued by perpetually open plastic packets of rice, pasta, or chips? Fear not, for a simple solution lies in a humble bobby pin. Just roll the bag’s top and secure it with the pin. Voila! Your food stays sealed, retaining its freshness for an extended period.
As a bookmark
No bookmark at hand while you are reading? Then find a pin and put it on the page where you left off. This way you will save the right page for next time.

Cách mở ổ khóa bằng kẹp tăm các loại đơn giản trong 1 phút
To loosen the end of a tape
Does it irk you when the end of a roll of sticky tape incessantly curls back and adheres to itself? If you’re tired of wrestling with unruly tape ends, try this simple fix: attach a bobby pin to the tip once you’ve secured it. This trick instantly locates the starting point of the tape, sparing you from repeated struggles.

To empty tubes
Here’s a handy trick for an almost empty tube of toothpaste or cream. Roll up the top of the tube and secure with a pin. The remaining contents are pushed in the tube towards the cap, and you can easily use up the leftovers.
When driving a nail
A hairpin even comes in handy when doing odd jobs. Place a bobby pin around a nail to hold it in place while you hammer. This way, you won’t hit the nail crooked, and you reduce the chance that your thumb will accidentally end up under the hammer.