You need not worry about unpleasant odors lingering on your fingertips. While summer typically blesses us with strong, healthy nails, the transition to autumn often signals trouble for many. The shift in weather frequently brings about a decline in nail health, leaving them vulnerable to weakness and brittleness due to the cold. As a result, nails may begin to split and peel, detracting from their appearance. Fortunately, there exists a simple solution to remedy this issue.

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This old remedy works as a natural nail strengthener.

Nail remedy
You can find bottles of nail strengthener in a ton of different drug stores or beauty stores. The polish makes sure your nails become stronger and harder, but it can be quite an expensive purchase. It’s much cheaper to fabricate your own nail strengthener and how do you do that? With garlic! It’s an old remedy from grandmother’s time, but it really works. Garlic helps your nails go hard. How does it work exactly? We’ll explain below!

Mẹo hay từ tỏi giúp dưỡng móng tay nhanh dài và chắc khỏe tại nhà

This is what you need:
a bottle of clear nail polish
1 clove of garlic
juice of one lemon

This is how you do it:
Slice the clove of garlic as small as possible and add the tiny pieces to the bottle of clear nail polish. Leave this to soak for 5 to 10 days for the best result. You can just leave in the garlic when these days are up.
Polish your nails like you normally would with the nail polish. Do make sure no pieces of garlic get stuck on your nails.
Have you gotten a bit of polish on your skin? Wash your hands with the lemon juice to get rid of the smell.
Polish your nails with this special mixture at least once a week and you’ll notice your nails will become noticeably stronger.