A banana skin can be quite useful, and here’s the reason why: When the mercury climbs past a certain threshold, we tend to stash away our boots and trainers in favor of sandals and flip-flops, allowing our feet to stay comfortably cool. Additionally, we relish the opportunity to flaunt our stylish sandals. However, is your feet adequately prepared for the summer season? If not, consider consuming a banana and employing its peel for the nifty technique we’re about to share with you. Banana peels offer a practical solution for giving your feet a DIY pedicure!

Những kiêng kỵ khi ăn chuối - VnExpress Sức khỏe
Let’s begin by discussing the remarkable health advantages associated with bananas. Incorporating two bananas into your daily diet can yield numerous benefits. However, it’s important to note their high sugar content, which warrants caution for individuals with diabetes. For non-diabetics, though, bananas offer substantial health perks! Regular consumption can boost energy levels, reduce muscle cramps, alleviate stomach acidity, and promote better bowel movements. Moreover, bananas are beneficial in combating anemia, making them a wise choice for those with iron deficiencies.

While the health benefits of bananas are clear, you may be wondering why applying banana peels to your feet is advantageous. Turn the page to discover more!
Have your feet been without sunlight the entire summer and do you want to make sure they look pretty enough for sandals again? Pedicures can be really expensive so we totally get it if you don’t want to spend your money on that. Luckily, we’ve got a handy trick for you that involves a banana and can work wonders for your feet. Bananas are very suitable to be used for pedicure purposes; the amino acids and vitamins in the fruit can help your dry feet become soft and smooth again in no time.
This is how you do it
Peel the banana, eat it and keep the peel. Clean your feet well and dry them properly. Now, take the banana peel and rub the inside of the peel over the soles of your feet. The softening and nourishing ingredients will do their thing and be absorbed by your foot soles. Then, rinse your feet with lukewarm water or put them in a little foot bath of warm water and some baking soda. Afterwards, use a nice body lotion on your feet and put on dry, clean socks.